The methods of homotopic skeletonization of bit-mapped drawings of parts of sea transport
drawing, shape, skeleton, extractor, distortion coherence, homotopic characterAbstract
Solution of the problem of recognition and vectorization of parts of sea transport requires formation of skeletonized images, homotopic (geometrical primitives, topologically equivalent in shape and their coherence) to parts’ shapes. The author has performed a comparative analysis of the best methods of parallel, topological skeletonization of the area objects, based upon application of space extractors. The analysis showed that the methods existing in the investigated objects zone possessed typical drawbacks, expressed in iterative distortions of primitive topology and their compositions. The objective of the article is to through the light upon the developed methods of improvement of topological equivalence of the resulting skeletons to the shapes of the parts of sea transport, by means of gradual correction of typical distortions of skeletons. The developed methods assumes correction of skeleton’s iterative distortions by modified extractors of the principal method of skeletonization and restoration of the resulting skeleton by extractors of restoration of homotopic skeleton, on the basis of developed rules of its reconstruction. Execution of the proposed method was carried out on example of the basic method Wu R.Y. & Tsai W.H. Examples of the results of skeletonization of parts’ drawings were given, verifying efficiency of the proposed methods. The methods can be adapted to the methods of topological skeletonization of area objects, based upon application of space extractors.References
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