Knowledge-based construction technology development management




BIM technologies, knowledge, construction management, models and methods


With the development of construction technologies, changing and modernizing customer requirements, projects become more time-consuming and, accordingly, all design documentation becomes more complicated, while its volume is steadily growing. Designers are forced to process more and more information that precedes and accompanies the process of working on the project. The flow of information 79 continues to come after the commissioning of the facility, as the erected building interacts closely with the environment and other facilities, and we should not forget about the life support of the building, management of internal processes. Accordingly, the probability of errors increases exponentially, and with the increase in the cost of the project increases the cost of errors. In response to the above problems was the concept of information modeling of buildings. Information modeling as an approach to building design involves, above all, the collection, storage and comprehensive processing in the process of designing all the architectural, technological, economic and other information about the building with all its interconnections. languages ​​and dependencies, when the building and everything related to it are considered as a single object.


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How to Cite

Bushuyev, S., & Trach, R. (2021). Knowledge-based construction technology development management . Transfer of Innovative Technologies, 4(1), 88–91.