Synthesis of Arts in Soviet Architecture: stages of development, main directions, causes of their occurrence


  • Liudmyla Bachynska Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Ukraine



Soviet Union, Ukraine, socio-cultural activities, influence of political and economic conditions, architecture and urban planning


The history of the Soviet Union, its socio-economic, socio-political and socio-cultural life is unique in comparison with other countries. The USSR was created on the model of social development, expressed by European and Russian Utopian socialists and was grounded in the classics of Marxism-Leninism. So, the system of government, economic conditions and cultural activities of a society built on the hegemony of the proletariat was a long-running social experiment that conditioned the life of the Soviet people and influenced other countries as well. The experiment of a country with total state property envisaged that the party leadership assumed responsibility for defining all spheres of political life - both internal and interstate relations - and inevitably formed unified programs of cultural activity and social development, managed them, and financed and tightly controlled their implementation. The Soviet people, the so-called "working masses", were forced to live and act under uniform rules. Depending on the planning of the political, economic and social life of the party leadership throughout the existence of the USSR, the country went through several stages, which differed in the directions of forming an architectural and urban planning environment that had to meet the tasks of state and ideological character. Familiarizing yourself with this unique experience and finding the reasons for its formation is important for understanding the trends of social development in the twentieth century.


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How to Cite

Bachynska, L. (2021). Synthesis of Arts in Soviet Architecture: stages of development, main directions, causes of their occurrence. Transfer of Innovative Technologies, 4(2), 16–27.



Construction, Architecture