Simulation modeling of the lifting and assembly module of the supports of the structural coating




lifting and assembling module, structural coating, modeling


The materials of the article are devoted to the issue of simulation modeling of construction mechanized technological equipment, in particular, modeling of the lifting and assembly module for the installation of a structural coating. Today, an urgent task in the construction market is the construction of large-scale structures, the life cycle of which is shortened, but the construction terms are reduced. Such a need exists in the construction of shelter hangars, field hospitals, warehouses, etc. As a rule, for urgent needs, buildings with light construction structures are erected, the covering of which is formed by structural blocks. A feature of such structures is multi-element support elements. A lifting assembly module is proposed for the installation of such structures.

It is essential that the mounted structural coating is assembled on the heads of the lifting and collecting modules in blocks, and the lifting of the structural block to the design mark occurs thanks to the module while simultaneously raising/assembling the supporting elements of the coating. Simulation computer modeling tools were used to study the possibility of implementing the assembly process using the lifting assembly module. It is proposed to use the parametric formation of sketches and 3D models when forming the design features of the module. The dissection of the elements of the new assembly module, support elements and structural coating to the level of simple parts made it possible to determine their mass characteristics with sufficient accuracy. The basic technical indicators of the assembly module and building structures, which can be used in the development of the assembly technology, were obtained.

Approaches to the use of cloud databases when using unified elements during design are defined.
The use of simulated geometric modeling data allows to analyze the strength properties of the components of the technical system and, together with the visual observation data, to create a common information model of the building object with the possibility of qualitative analysis of the indicators of the specified elements of building structures.


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How to Cite

Rashkivskyi, V. (2023). Simulation modeling of the lifting and assembly module of the supports of the structural coating. Transfer of Innovative Technologies, 5(1), 45–53.



Engineering, Environmental Science