Waste Glass in Cement and Concretes: A Review on Characteristics and Challenges





waste glass, ASR, aggregate, durability, waste materials, glass powder, concrete, admixtures, cement replacement, partial replacement


Abstract. Every year, the world is producing around 100 million tons of waste glass (WG), the majority of them are going to landfills that create massive environmental problems. One approach to solve this problem is to transform waste glass into construction materials. Glass is recyclable; however, the melting temperature of the glass is highly dependent on its color that requires sorting before recycling. To overcome this challenge, many researchers and end-users are using broken glass in concrete either as a binder or aggregates. While significant investigations have done in this area, however, the outcomes of these studies are scattered, and difficult to reach a firm conclusion about the effectiveness of WG in concrete. In this study, the roles of WG and its impact on microstructural and durability properties for both cement and concrete are critically reviewed. This review reveals that the amorphous silica in WG effectively participate to the hydration and geopolymerization process and improve concrete microstructural properties. This behavior of WG help to produce durable concrete against shrinkage, chemical attack, freeze-thaw action. The optimum replacement volume of binders or natural aggregates and particle size of WG need to be selected carefully to minimize the possible alkali-silica reaction. This review discusses a wide range of parameters for durability properties and challenges associated with WG concrete, which provides necessary guidelines for best practice with future research directions


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How to Cite

Berdnyk, O., & Vyhovskyi, S. (2024). Waste Glass in Cement and Concretes: A Review on Characteristics and Challenges. Transfer of Innovative Technologies, 7(1), 26–33. https://doi.org/10.32347/tit.2024.71.01.04



Construction, Architecture