The system of filling the information model of construction structural elements




Рroduct life cycle, laser scanning, cloud of points result, 3D digital model construction elemen, construction technology, craneless installation, information model, mechanized equipment


The article considers the need for information filling of the digital model of the building object. The effectiveness of laser scanning for the real display of the state of building structures and their adequacy to the design data was noted. The effectiveness of laser scanning for the formation of a cloud of spatial points of objects for the further formation of a three-dimensional digital model was noted. Examples of laser scanning of building objects and subsequent reproduction using software of volumetric digital elements from the obtained point cloud are given. It is proposed to consider the filling system of the information model on the example of the developed technology of installation of the structural coating of light metal structures. On the basis of the developed installation technological equipment, control indicators, features of the installation technology, structural features of the building object are determined, which allows entering such data for consideration in the monitoring system of the installation process. All this together makes it possible to develop a generalized database of both the object as a whole and its components, which will take into account the

compliance of the manufactured structure with the design data, the preservation of its properties before the installation process, during installation during operation, strengthening, and disposal.


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How to Cite

Rashkivskyi, V., Demianenko, R., Ignatenko, O., & Zaiets, Y. (2024). The system of filling the information model of construction structural elements. Transfer of Innovative Technologies, 7(1), 60–68.



Engineering, Environmental Science