The use of waste glass in concrete production as a partial replacement of cement
mortar, microstructure, compressive strength, cement, concrete, pozzolanic reactivity, waste glass powder, cement replacementAbstract
The reuse and recycling of waste are considered the only way to reduce their generation. However, the application of waste in the construction industry is still at the research stage, providing an opportunity for the implementation of new technologies and the resolution of environmental aspects in this direction. This enables the creation of new eco-friendly building materials. The article discusses research in the field of using solid household waste in construction. It also explores the impact of particle size and the percentage of cement replacement with waste glass on the properties of the cementitious solution. The relevance of scientific research in this article lies in the possibility of using waste glass in concrete to improve the durability and sustainability of building structures. The use of glass waste as a pozzolanic material or as a partial replacement of cement can contribute to reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, which is an important step in reducing the impact of construction on the environment. The results of this work can contribute to the development of a more sustainable and environmentally friendly construction industry
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