Approaches to assessing the sustainability of territorial communi-ties




sustainable development, territorial community, bellagio principles, integral indicator, strategic priorities


Abstract. The article is devoted to exploring approaches and identifying sustainable development indicators for territorial communities. The ability to apply sustainable development principles in managerial decision-making regarding the development of territorial communities requires the establishment of priorities or goals for sustainable development. These priorities, in turn, must be based on criteria that can be measured and assessed.

Currently, sustainable development approaches are among the fundamental ones in preparing funding proposals for territorial communities or evaluating them from the perspective of potential investors. However, even though certain territorial communities actively use the defined term when preparing proposals or presenting the community to the public, few can accurately determine which specific indicators need to be calculated.

In the practice of managing a territorial community, various indicator systems are widely used to assess the state of a particular sphere of activity (or development direction) of the community from a chosen perspective (which underpins the formation of the indicator system).

An analysis of the literature revealed that there are sufficient approaches offering suggestions for defining indicators that can characterize the sustainable development of a community. The article proposes using the Bellagio principles to develop an approach for quantitative calculations. It also suggests the application of mathematical methods to calculate certain indicators.

The proposed approach includes, taking into account sectoral characteristics, groups of indicators for ensuring the livelihood of the population, territorial development, and entrepreneurial development, as well as indicators reflecting the social and environmental responsibility of the territorial community. This set of indicators can be used as criteria for substantiating managerial decisions in territorial communities


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How to Cite

VERENYCH, O., Boiko, Y., & Voitenko, O. (2025). Approaches to assessing the sustainability of territorial communi-ties. Transfer of Innovative Technologies, 7(2), 40–50.



Construction, Architecture