Formation of a system for monitoring construction processes during the construction of buildings




building constructions, geodetic scanning, construction technologies, methods of geodetic monitorings, craneless installation methods, information model, building mechanized equipment


The article considers approaches to the formation of a system for monitoring technological processes of building construction.

The effectiveness of geodetic scanning for the real display of the state of building structures and their compliance with design data was noted. The effectiveness of combined scanning methods for obtaining more extensive information about construction objects was noted. There are options for erecting prefabricated and monolithic building frames without using heavy crane equipment. It is proposed to form a system for monitoring technological processes based on combinational methods using photogrammetry and laser scanning. Based on the proposed assembly modules, a monitoring scheme for the erection of prefabricated and monolithic building frames has been developed. All this together makes it possible to develop a generalized approach to the creation of a system for monitoring construction processes, to determine the directions of development of such a system for filling the construction information model, obtaining data about the components of the construction object, including the state of structures, the pace of work, the behavior of machines and mechanisms on the site, the development of methods adjustment of technological flows, provisions of structures, etc


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How to Cite

RASHKIVSKYI, V., DEMIANENKO, R., IGNATENKO, O., & ZAJETS, Y. (2025). Formation of a system for monitoring construction processes during the construction of buildings. Transfer of Innovative Technologies, 7(2), 68–75.



Engineering, Environmental Science