Research on the design of the working parts of vertical roller mills for grinding granulated slag




vertical roller mills, granulated slag grinding,, energy efficiency, advanced engineering solutions, operational characteristics


Abstract. This research focuses on optimizing the design, parameters, and operational modes of vertical roller mills (VRMs) for grinding granulated slag, which are crucial in industries such as cement, mining, and energy. VRMs are widely recognized for their energy efficiency and ability to grind various materials with minimal energy consumption. However, the challenge lies in designing mills that can operate efficiently under harsh conditions of intense friction, impact loads, and abrasive particles, especially when processing hard materials like granulated slag. To address these challenges, advanced materials and protective coatings are being utilized to improve wear resistance. Additionally, the research explores the use of polymer-metal composites in the construction of mill components, which significantly reduce wear rates and extend the lifespan of the mill, ultimately leading to cost savings and reduced maintenance needs.

Furthermore, the study examines the integration of intelligent control systems that optimize operational parameters in real-time, thus enhancing grinding efficiency and minimizing energy consumption. The findings also emphasize the importance of reducing vibrations and improving the stability of equipment to ensure reliable performance. The research identifies the key parameters that affect VRM performance, such as roller pressure, material moisture content, and rotational speed, and proposes methods for optimizing these factors to achieve maximum efficienc. The development of VRMs is especially important in post-war Ukraine, where cement production has significantly declined due to infrastructure damage. Vertical roller mills are considered the only viable technological solution for new high-capacity cement plants, capable of enhancing cement quality and reducing CO₂ emissions. This research aims to further develop VRM technology, ensuring its ability to meet the demands of the cement, metallurgy, and coal industries by improving energy efficiency, wear resistance, and grinding quality, making it a vital tool for sustainable industrial production


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How to Cite

KLYMENKO, M., & HUBCHUK, M. (2025). Research on the design of the working parts of vertical roller mills for grinding granulated slag. Transfer of Innovative Technologies, 7(2), 83–89.



Engineering, Environmental Science